/Blurry vision in the left eye and unable to clearly make out the letters on chart, the ophthalmologist examined our middle son’s eyes. Had his eyes worsened since he lost his glasses last summer? Or had his eyes stayed the same? The eye measurements revealed good news and unfortunate news. His left eye remained the same and his right eye slightly weakened over the last six months. It was now very clear. New glasses would begin our new year!
Nathanael’s inability to see clearly over the past nine months. In the midst of global pandemic, what was once as clear as ever was blurred by uncertainty, by lack of clarity in our day-to-day lives and by raw emotion. This blurriness has made every day living very overwhelming many times, but in our straining we continually manage to get through.
The blurriness of this time has strained us to rely on different markers to guide us through. Sometimes the markers guiding us have led us into dangerous uncharted territory. Other times the markers have steadied us in new ways unlike before.
When Nathanael chose his new glasses on Thursday morning, it was a breakthrough for me. Not only will his new glasses clear up his vision, our vision needs cleared up too. The crystal clear waters of baptism that break over our eyes do just that. Baptism helps us see more clearly in all that we face. All that we are facing is a lot right now, a lot this week and a lot in life period, baptism that stirs up in us the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control – clears our vision and guides us through the power of the Holy Spirit through.
Worship with us at All Shepherds Lutheran Church via our YouTube Livestream at 9:30AM and 11:11AM this Sunday. Or worship with us in person at 8:00AM, 9:30AM and 11:11AM. For in the waters of baptism and the baptismal community, the clarity of God’s love for us breaks through for all to see more clearly the faith, hope and love that abides for all.
Shepherding the Shepherds,
Pastor Craig