At the present time, we are holding three worship services in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings: a traditional service at 8:00 am, our blended service at 9:30 am, and a contemporary service at 11:11 am. We also offer alternative ways to worship, including livestreaming the 9:30 and 11:11 services on our YouTube channel.
Please stay tuned to your email and our social media platforms for more information about future ministry and worship opportunities.
First Light Worship – 8:00am
A traditional Lutheran liturgy worship direct from the pages of the Lutheran Book of Worship. We use Setting 2 with piano accompaniment. The service follows the ELW order from Confession to Benediction. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated weekly.
Joyful Now Worship – 9:30am *
A blend of liturgical forms, both the ELW liturgy and alternate forms of confession, prayers, and hymn and song selections. Words are projected for ease of understanding and accessibility, and our Shepherds Choir sings and leads worshipers in songs of a variety of musical styles from the ELW. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated weekly.
Inspirited Worship – 11:11am *
An informal, contemporary worship using the gifts and talents of church members. Our worship teams consist of church member musicians including drummers, guitarists, keyboardists and vocalists to help lead us in song. Words are projected onto a screen for ease of understanding and accessibility. This is a very participatory worship experience where you are encouraged to move from spectator to active involvement. Songs from major 21st Century Christian artists are included. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is shared every Sunday.
* Nursery is available every week during this worship for children age 5 and under. Elementary students are invited at the beginning of the sermon to step out of worship under the guidance of one of our pastors or children's lay ministers for a more hands on approach for the sermon and scripture for the day. The children will return to worship by offering.