Youth at All Shepherds
There are opportunities for youth of all ages to get involved.
Summer camp provides and awesome faith experience for all of us as a place to retreat and renew each summer. Students can attend our week-long Hopewood Pines Ministry Youth or Family Camp.
Faith Family Sunday School
Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out how to start talking about faith with students and with each other. These classes offer space for the student and grownup to both participate and experience a faith activity or practice and discuss it together along with other partners. These classes will offer additional language and understanding that strengthens the foundation of our life with God. Grownups and students will build confidence in sharing faith and talking about faith outside of church. These are offered the second Sunday of the month when Sunday School is in session.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is a 4 day series offered each summer that is focused on sharing the Good News with preschool through 5th grade elementary school children. Students participate in themed activities in arts and crafts, music and more. Your children travel through an exciting journey where they learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings, know God is always with them, and feel confident in sharing the good news of God's love through Jesus Christ. Next year’s dates are 6/23/25 thru 6/26/25 from 9:30 AM - NOON. Check back for curriculum & registration information.
Children's Christmas Program
Children of all ages share the story of Jesus' birth during the 11:11 worship in December. Parts for all types of participants: speaking and non speaking! Rehearsals start in the fall. Look for more information in Food for the Flock and on Rally Day.