Prayer Requests

The ASLC Prayer Team welcomes your requests for prayer for yourself, your family and friends. Please make sure that you have permission before submitting a prayer request on behalf of someone else. Confidentiality requests are strictly honored - all prayer requests are sent to our Prayer Ministry Director to share with the prayer team, unless confidentiality is requested.  If you would like the prayer request listed in The Food for the Flock, please designate the timeframe you would like it listed (short or long term).

A prayer request may be made via any of the following methods:

  • Use the online form below.

  • Send an email to the Prayer Team at:

  • Complete a prayer request card located in the sanctuary seatbacks, and place them either in the collection plate on Sunday morning or in the wooden prayer box in the lobby.

 If you would like a pastor to contact you, please call or email the church office: 740-548-0115 or

 To submit a prayer request online, please complete the following and click SUBMIT:

Please keep us updated on this person’s progress,