Choose Wisely

“Choose Wisely!” Discerning which one is the Holy Grail in the final scene of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the treasure hunter are cautioned by the knight to pick the right cup. They have an important choice to make.

Hastily, the treasure hunter accepts and drinks from a cup that the King of Kings would drink from himself. The chalice shines and gleams because it is made of pure gold. No surprise, drinking from it brings death to him. He does not choose wisely.

Thoughtfully, Indiana Jones looks for the cup of a carpenter’s son. The chalice is dull and dirty. Not much for the eye to behold is the cup but still a cup to drink from. Surprise, drinking from it brings life to him. He chooses wisely.

All of us choose wisely when we see someone hungry and give them food, thirsty and give something to drink, a stranger and welcome them, naked and give clothing, sick or in prison and visit them. Choosing wisely is sharing God’s grace and serving those in need with God’s grace. Like a carpenter’s son, our work is not noticed by others, but is noticed by the ones who receive it. Our work takes us into places of hard work in God’s name because that’s where God’s work needs done.

This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday. The end of another church year is here. We are reminded that Christ the King sends us into God’s kingdom to care for God’s people and to do the hard work of sharing God’s grace with all God’s people. The reign of our king is reign unlike the kings of our day. It is a reign that has us serving ALL God’s people with grace.

“Choose Wisely!” Worship this Sunday on All Shepherds Lutheran Church YouTube or in-person. Choose Wisely what is the safest experience for your friends, family and you. But most of all, Choose Wisely by worshipping God, giving thanks to God and experiencing the grace that God has all people including your family and you.

Shepherding the Shepherds,
Pastor Craig