Food for the Flock: Fourth Sunday of Pentecost

The Message

30Again Jesus said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? 31It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground.
32Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade."

Bunnies, rainbows and grape juice! Now, you may ask - what in the world do all three of these have in common? They are all small gifts that each reminded me how active and alive God is in this amazing world we live.

These last few weeks have been extremely busy and hectic for us in the Richter household. Just transitioning from school to summer schedules is usually busy enough, but this year we are not only preparing and organizing events for our 14 confirmation students but we are also parents of one of those students who will be affirming their faith. So with dual roles we have been busy preparing for Rebekah’s confirmation and trying to get our house in order after some much needed repairs and upgrades to our home in order to accommodate the extra guests and company we will have in our home. On top of this we have been planning for VBS, finalizing details for hiring two more staff positions at All Shepherds, leading Bible studies and funeral, wedding and renewal of vows services, trying to get ready to leave for a visit to Nebraska next week and trying to keep up with phone calls, prayers and those just in the hospital. Needless to say, it has been a busy few weeks for us.

In busyness, it is often easy for me to get in such a hurry that I can easily miss what is right in front of me. I am thinking so much about what I need to get done that I forget to take time to stop and pay attention to what is going on around me. I am going through the motions to check off the lists I have and forget about pretty much everything else going on around me. It is easy to disconnect from myself, my family and even God.

Yet, as Jesus reminds us today in the scripture above, the kingdom of God thankfully is not dependent on me or any other human activity for that matter. It is always there – often in small, what appears insignificant ways that when we actually stop to reflect on and process what has happened we are reminded of God’s amazing promises and presence that is always with us. Small events, experiences, moments that grow and lead to great revelations of God’s life and love for us.

So – how did I experience God through bunnies, rainbows and grape juice? Each of these in the past few weeks have caused me to stop from the busyness going on around me and take a moment to live and be present and thank God for this beautiful world we get to live in.

The bunnies appeared when my family finally had an evening to weed the front flower bed at our house. One of the plants was out of control with weeds and I decided it was time for this flower to go. I went to pull it from the ground – only to discover that it was the home of five little baby bunnies. The bunnies caused quite a stir that evening, bringing neighbors and walkers to take notice and for us to take some time to connect to the community around us. The rainbow came following a drive to Athens to meet my parents and pick up Jonathan. I had had a packed full and busy day. We were at a gas station when the rainbow appeared. Workers and strangers from all over gathered around to admire and appreciate its beauty and presence. And finally, last night I had went to Wal-Mart to buy grape juice for communion for the confirmation crossover event scheduled for this weekend; one of the workers looked in my cart as I was checking out and noticed the grape juice. He commented to me that it looked like communion. When I responded that it was for communion, he spent the next five minutes witnessing to me about the importance of taking communion and remembering Jesus every day of our lives.

Three small seeds that reminded me of God’s always present, always amazing, always growing movement and action in our lives. What small seeds have been planted near you? Where do you see God’s kingdom breaking into your life in small ways that grow into much greater significance and meaning.

Join us for worship this Sunday and allow those seeds to be revealed to us. Celebrate with us that there are 14 students in our confirmation program who because of small seeds of God’s love, kindness and joy planted in their lives have the desire to affirm their faith and commit to following the Lord. May your eyes be open this day to these small seeds of God’s never ending love that are constantly growing and active all around us.

In Christ’s love and service always,

Pastor Wendy




Worship with us in person or online!


  • COVID Safety Protocols Update: In accordance with recent CDC guidance, we are making the following changes effective this Sunday, May 23:

    • Masks will be optional for those who are fully vaccinated. Masks are still recommended for those who are not, including children under the age of 12.

    • We will no longer require you to sign in for contact tracing purposes.

    • We will offer a variety of seating arrangements, keeping families three feet apart.

    • The nursery will be available for up to six children under age 5, and masks will not be required. The nursery attendant has been fully vaccinated.

    • We will continue to have offering plates available at the entrances for you to place your offering, or you can continue using electronic giving via Tithely.

    • We will continue to sanitize the sanctuary, nursery and restrooms between services.

    • We will continue to run the HEPA filters to help with proper air circulation.

  • *** CHANGE IN PLANS....11:11 service will be in The Chapel in the Woods EVERY Sunday through August. Exceptions will be made for rain and heat where the service will move back to the Sanctuary.

  • 11:11 service will not be livestreamed on our YouTube channel as we have the service in The Chapel in the Woods.

  • Click on the link to read more about our updated safety and in-person worship protocals

We appreciate your patience as we navigate changing guidance. We will be making decisions about communion in the next few weeks. We will continue our YouTube livestream worship, Zoom worship and our 11:11 outdoor worship service for those who would like other options. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Craig, Pastor Wendy or Heather Koon.

Join us live on our YouTube channel at 9:30, or catch the replay anytime. Help spread the Gospel and share the Good News by liking, subscribing to, and sharing our YouTube channel.

  • Click here to download the worship bulletin for the 9:30 am service:

Sundays at 9:15 am - 11:00am, all are welcome to join in to watch worship and have fellowship in the Zoom Room.

Communion is an important part of our faith. Blessed Communion kits are available for pick-up at the church throughout the week. Pastor Craig or Pastor Wendy are also available to bring Communion to you if you would like to schedule this time with them. To schedule communion or arrange delivery of communion kits, please contact the office at or 740-548-0115.

Please consider serving as a Worship Assistant or Usher, please go to Sign Up Genius to reserve the dates and times you are available to assist. Please feel free to contact Robert Horbatt,, if you have any questions.
If you are interested, please click on the sign-up genius links below.
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:11 am




VBS REGISTRATION - VBS is June 28 - July 1, For information on how to register for VBS visit

VBS SNACK SIGN-UP— Please consider signing up to provide a snack item for VBS. We are looking for individually wrapped snack size servings of the items on the list. Please bring the fruit to the church on Sunday, June 27 and all other items can be dropped off by June 20. There is a sign-up sheet in the gathering area and a sign-up genius link:

VBS DECORATING—We will begin decorating for VBS on Thursdays from 10:00 am—12:00 pm during the month of June. Contact Becky Lickfelt if you want to help.

CONFIRMATION - Please support our 14 Confirmation students who will be affirming their faith on Sunday, June 13 at 11:11am (Chapel in the Woods) and 2:00pm. Gift bags are in the gathering space to collect cards and notes of encouragement and support.

CAMP LMC - Our week is July 6-9. Pastor Wendy will be attending with 8 of our youth. You can still register at . Our church supplements the cost for all youth who want to attend, contact Pastor Wendy for more information.


Everyone is welcome to participate, contact your leader for Zoom codes.

  • Bible, Brothers & Brew with Pastor Craig: Friday mornings at 8:00 am




BUILDING BRIDGES - formerly known as the racial injustice group will be meeting again on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm on Zoom. The next meeting will be April 28 and will continue every other Wednesday.

OUTREACH UPDATE - We would like to say THANK YOU to all who contributed Personal Care Items for the Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry during the month of May. The donations collected included: 836 diapers; 173 rolls of toilet paper; 34 bottles of shampoo; 33 deodorants; 22 bottles of detergent; 33 tubes of tooth paste; 49 toothbrushes; 3 rolls of paper towels; 2 dish detergents; 3 boxes of Kleenex; and 3 bars of soap. We also want to thank Thrivent for their contribution of $250 to help us purchase some of the higher priced items. The Food Pantry is very grateful for these critically needed item!!




Your financial support is vital to strengthen and expand our congregation's ministries, you can mail offering checks to All Shepherds Lutheran Church, 6580 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035. You can also give electronically. To donate using a smartphone, search the Google Play Store of the Apple App Store for “ELCA Giving” and download the app. To make a contribution from our website, visit You can designate the amount, select a specific operating fund and even set up a recurring donation so you don’t have to repeat it each week.

Thanks again for your courageous giving because of your courage and faithfulness our mission is being strengthened now!



In order to donate securities to All Shepherds, please directly contact our Huntington Financial Advisor to request a Transfer Request Form.




BLOOD DRIVE— We will host a blood drive here on Friday, June 18 from 10-4 pm. If you would like to donate blood please go use sponsor code ASLC or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.

LIVING LUTHERAN MAGAZINE: Current and past issues are available. If you would like these recent issues sent to your home, please call or email the church office with your request. In the meantime, stay safe at home, and pray for the congregation and all affected by the virus.