Food for the Flock: Second Sunday of Pentecost
/The Message
Happy are those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of
water, which yields its fruits in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
Psalm 1:1,3
This last year, I have been helping with Jonathan’s cub scout den as an assistant. This week, the den leader of our group asked if I could lead the meeting because he had to be out of town on business. It just happened that the lesson was to discuss what does it mean in the scout oath when we say, “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God…”
What does this mean? What is our duty to God? As six different 7-year-old boys and their parents gathered around to wrestle with this very big question, I realized I needed to first begin by asking them, “Who is God?” So, in order to begin this conversation, I encouraged the boys to start by drawing their answers to this very important question by using sidewalk chalk. Each child responded in his own unique way – one drew a giant angel with powerful hands that made a chicken; another drew a giant creature with lots of legs because God holds the whole world and must be huge and need lots of legs to carry the world around, another drew an old man with a white beard, one drew Noah’s ark because it is his favorite Bible story since it tells us how God saves us and all the animals and finally another drew a giant heart because he said, “God is love.”
As we dove into this question about God, we circled back to what is our duty to God. I have never really thought about this question this way before. What is our duty to God? How do we show respect and honor to God? The scripture constantly points us back to God’s law. As we faithfully, follow God’s law to worship, to love, to respect others, we are honoring God.
The Psalmist reminds us today of the happiness that comes from doing this. It is often easy to look at laws and rules as that which restricts us, but God’s laws are not that way. Following God’s laws actually frees us to live.
I have to confess that Cub scouts was one of those things that I was relieved to not have when everything shut down last year. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is an amazing program with great teaching. It was just one of those things way out of my comfort zone. I have never camped overnight or really enjoyed fishing or pinewood derbies or even selling popcorn. It was way out of what I was used to doing. And yet, it was the one thing that Jonathan kept asking me about. He really missed it and wanted to get back. At one point this last summer, he even proudly told a stranger that I was a cub scout leader. So when someone reached out to me, knowing how happy it has made Jonathan and how much he enjoys it, I got us back involved.
Sometimes, faith is that way, it takes us out of our comfort and what we know and understand, but as we take that path and walk on it more and more, we see the happiness and good that it leads to. The more that we work at our duty to God, the more that we realize the duty is not as painful as we thought but actually life giving. And before we know it, we are being fed and strengthened like a tree next to water.
So, this Sunday, join us in worship whether in person, on Zoom, through live streaming and let us honor our own duty to God and see just how this path leads us to happiness, meaning and life.
In Christ’s love and service,
Pastor Wendy
COVID Safety Protocols Update: In accordance with recent CDC guidance, we have made the following changes:
Masks will be optional for those who are fully vaccinated. Masks are still recommended for those who are not, including children under the age of 12.
We will no longer require you to sign in for contact tracing purposes.
We will offer a variety of seating arrangements, keeping families three feet apart.
The nursery will be available for up to six children under age 5, and masks will not be required. The nursery attendant has been fully vaccinated.
We will continue to have offering plates available at the entrances for you to place your offering, or you can continue using electronic giving via Tithely.
We will continue to sanitize the sanctuary, nursery and restrooms between services.
We will continue to run the HEPA filters to help with proper air circulation.
*** CHANGE IN PLANS....11:11 service will be in The Chapel in the Woods EVERY Sunday through August. Exceptions will be made for rain and heat where the service will move back to the Sanctuary.
11:11 service will not be livestreamed on our YouTube channel as we have the service in The Chapel in the Woods.
Click on the link to read more about our updated safety and in-person worship protocals
We appreciate your patience as we navigate changing guidance. We will be making decisions about communion in the next few weeks. We will continue our YouTube livestream worship, Zoom worship and our 11:11 outdoor worship service for those who would like other options. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Craig, Pastor Wendy or Heather Koon.
Join us live on our YouTube channel at 9:30, or catch the replay anytime. Help spread the Gospel and share the Good News by liking, subscribing to, and sharing our YouTube channel.
Click here to download the worship bulletin for the 9:30am service.
Sundays at 9:15 am - 11:00am, all are welcome to join in to watch worship and have fellowship in the Zoom Room.
Communion is an important part of our faith. Blessed Communion kits are available for pick-up at the church throughout the week. Pastor Craig or Pastor Wendy are also available to bring Communion to you if you would like to schedule this time with them. To schedule communion or arrange delivery of communion kits, please contact the office at or 740-548-0115.
SIGN-UP TO BE A WORSHIP ASSISTANT OR USHER: Please consider serving as a Worship Assistant or Usher, please go to Sign Up Genius to reserve the dates and times you are available to assist. Please feel free to contact Robert Horbatt,, if you have any questions. If you are interested, please click on the sign-up genius links below.
VBS REGISTRATION - VBS is June 28 - July 1, For information on how to register for VBS visit
VBS SNACK SIGN-UP— Please consider signing up to provide a snack item for VBS. We are looking for individually wrapped snack size servings of the items on the list. Please bring the fruit to the church on Sunday, June 27 and all other items can be dropped off by June 20. There is a sign-up sheet in the gathering area and a sign-up genius link:
VBS DECORATING—We will begin decorating for VBS on Thursdays from 10:00 am—12:00 pm during the month of June. Contact Becky Lickfelt if you want to help,
CONFIRMATION - Please support our 14 Confirmation students who will be affirming their faith on Sunday, June 13 at 11:11am (Chapel in the Woods) and 2:00pm. Gift bags are in the gathering space to collect cards and notes of encouragement and support.
CAMP LMC - Our week is July 6-9. Pastor Wendy will be attending with 8 of our youth. You can still register at . Our church supplements the cost for all youth who want to attend, contact Pastor Wendy for more information.
Everyone is welcome to participate, contact your leader for Zoom codes.
Bible, Brothers & Brew with Pastor Craig: Friday mornings at 8:00 am
BUILDING BRIDGES - formerly known as the racial injustice group will be meeting again on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm on Zoom. The next meeting will be April 28 and will continue every other Wednesday.
Your financial support is vital to strengthen and expand our congregation's ministries, you can mail offering checks to All Shepherds Lutheran Church, 6580 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035. You can also give electronically. To donate using a smartphone, search the Google Play Store of the Apple App Store for “ELCA Giving” and download the app. To make a contribution from our website, visit You can designate the amount, select a specific operating fund and even set up a recurring donation so you don’t have to repeat it each week.
Thanks again for your courageous giving because of your courage and faithfulness our mission is being strengthened now!
In order to donate securities to All Shepherds, please directly contact our Huntington Financial Advisor to request a Transfer Request Form.
OFFICE HOURS - Gina will be out of town beginning May 26 through June 4. If you need to get into the building during the week, please call the office before you come to make sure someone is here to let you in.
LIVING LUTHERAN MAGAZINE: Current and past issues are available. If you would like these recent issues sent to your home, please call or email the church office with your request. In the meantime, stay safe at home, and pray for the congregation and all affected by the virus.