Food for the Flock: Fourth Sunday of Easter


In this series, we hear about the early birth of the church as followers of Jesus travel around to proclaim the Good News. We are taught that we are saved by faith, and are all one in the Body of Christ. As we prepare to travel again and return to more and more parts of our daily lives, we too share the Good News far and wide, in many new ways.

Enjoy this new recording of the favorite Willie Nelson song "On the Road Again" by the acapella group "Home Free":

Worship with us in person or online!


  • 8:00 and 9:30 Traditional Services with Holy Communion

  • 11:11 Contemporary Service with Holy Communion


Join us live on our YouTube channel at 9:30 or 11:11, or catch the replay anytime. Help spread the Gospel and share the Good News by liking, subscribing to, and sharing our YouTube channel.


Worshipping online but want a little more connectedness to other church members? Join our AWE-some Zoom Worship Group on Sunday mornings! Our Zoom Worship room is open every Sunday at 9:15 AM. This allows time for us to greet one another before worship and then reconnect to discuss the pastor’s sermon after worship. Occasionally the pastor will even stop by and discuss the message with us. You can leave when the service is over or stay for the discussion and social time. Try it out! We’d love to have you join us.

Scripture Readings this week: Acts 8: 26-39; Luke 24: 44-47


Communion is an important part of our faith. Blessed Communion kits are available for pick-up at the church throughout the week. Pastor Craig or Pastor Wendy are also available to bring Communion to you if you would like to schedule this time with them. To schedule communion or arrange delivery of communion kits, please contact the office at or 740-548-0115.


Please consider serving as a Worship Assistant or Usher, please go to Sign Up Genius to reserve the dates and times you are available to assist. Please feel free to contact Robert Horbatt,, if you have any questions. Thank you to all our members who have served in the past and during these difficult times.

If you are interested, please click on the sign-up genius links below.




OWLS Wednesday Luncheon
The OWLs are back or maybe not, depending on you. By now most all of you should have had your Covid vaccine. That being the case, you should feel safe in getting together, in a controlled environment, away from potential virus carriers. A luncheon is planned at Scramblers, May 19 at noon. You are asked to continue wearing a mask to comply with the ongoing State regulations. We would be meeting in Scrambler’s private room, away from the general population. If you plan on attending, you must let Bill Barker know by Saturday May 15. Hope to see all of you there!




Our church council will vote on the proposal to hire 2 part-time children and youth directors on Monday, May 10. We have had 2 town hall meetings and have had positive feedback. Any questions or concerns need to be addressed before the May 10th meeting. This will not require a congregational vote just approval by the church council. Long-term support will be necessary from the congregation when we vote on the annual budget.

PAINTING - Work has began on the painting and redecorating of four Sunday School classrooms and the large meeting room. Anyone interested in assisting with painting next week can contact Debra Tracy, Learning Ministry Director, at Various days and times, no set schedule.

5TH GRADE BIBLE CLASS - The 4th class of 5th grade bible class is this Sunday at 1:00 pm.

CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL - The next Zoom children's Sunday School will be May 16 at 4:00pm.

VBS, June 28-July 1
Camp LMC, July 6-9


Everyone is welcome to participate, contact your leader for Zoom codes.

  • Bible, Brothers & Brew with Pastor Craig: Friday mornings at 8:00 am




LSS FOOD PANTRY OUTREACH PROJECT - Beginning May 2nd, we will be collecting personal care items for the Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry in Delaware. LSS can purchase some, but not all of these items from the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, but because people using food stamps are not allowed to buy personal items, there is always a huge shortage of the following items. Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes, Shampoo, Deodorant, Toilet Paper, Diapers, sizes 3,4,& 5 - (Not newborn or 1 year), and Liquid Laundry detergent, (Approximately 30 ounce containers). If you would like to help, please select any of the items listed and place them on the table in the Gathering space. Your support of this Outreach Project for Lutheran Social Services will be greatly appreciated!!!

HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE—Many thanks to all who contributed to the Lenten Hunger Appeal. A total (so far- it's never too late to give!) of $2150.11 was donated, and will be sent to the ELCA Hunger Appeal. These gifts will help people in the USA and around the world who suffer from hunger. They are grateful for this generosity and the assistance it provides toward immediate needs and development toward self-sufficiency. Jesus said to his disciples, "You give them something to eat." Our gifts out of God's bounty helps the church do that. Amen.

BUILDING BRIDGES - formerly known as the racial injustice group will be meeting again on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm on Zoom. The next meeting will be April 28 and will continue every other Wednesday.




Your financial support is vital to strengthen and expand our congregation's ministries, you can mail offering checks to All Shepherds Lutheran Church, 6580 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035. You can also give electronically. To donate using a smartphone, search the Google Play Store of the Apple App Store for “ELCA Giving” and download the app. To make a contribution from our website, visit You can designate the amount, select a specific operating fund and even set up a recurring donation so you don’t have to repeat it each week.

Thanks again for your courageous giving because of your courage and faithfulness our mission is being strengthened now!


In 2020, All Shepherds received more than $81,000 in contributions using That is more than 20% of all 2020 contributions. started as an alternative approach to giving, but during the pandemic, our members found it to be a very convenient and reliable method to financially support All Shepherds. We now receive more than twice the monthly contributions via than before the pandemic. Thanks to all members of the congregation for your continued financial support of the All Shepherds ministries during 2020. For additional information on please contact Becky Lickfelt.


“Beware! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own.”
Luke 12:15


In order to donate securities to All Shepherds, please directly contact our Huntington Financial Advisor to request a Transfer Request Form.





Current and past issues are available. If you would like these recent issues sent to your home, please call or email the church office with your request. In the meantime, stay safe at home, and pray for the congregation and all affected by the virus.