Our All Shepherds Lutheran Church community has inspired the people of Delaware County since 1988. Thirty plus years of ministry, from worshipping in a simple lunchroom with a handful of people to gathering for three worship services every Sunday morning, have been possible thanks to many faith-filled families. The courageous giving of so many through the years has allowed us to sustain prolonged ministry excellence, develop inspiring music and learning ministries and position ourselves to do kingdom work well into the future.
Sustaining, enhancing and expanding that ministry excellence, which makes God’s kingdom known to all people and connects God’s people to on another, is the greatest opportunity before us. Sustaining our ministry initiatives with the rising costs in our society, enhancing them in creative new ways, and expanding them in new directions can only happen with the courageous giving of families in our community of faith.
Ministry Initiatives for 2020
The ministry initiatives that will be possible in 2020 with your courageous giving include:
Sustaining Ministry Excellence
Supporting the mission of the larger church to make God’s love known in communities nationally and internationally
Keeping support for staff in place in line with rising costs in society and commensurate with similar faith communities
Streaming the Good News
Reaching people in our busy society by making the good news available wherever they are
Creating a podcast that inspires people regularly
Developing a congregation mobile app that encourages people to plug in in new ways
Investing in Families
Support our Small Group Ministries with financial means to purchase learning resources and other materials, and enable them to reach out to others to connect into a small group for faith discussion
Hire a part-time Director of Learning Ministries to provide leadership and spiritual guidance to our different learning community, recruiting and equipping leaders to participate in activities such as Adult Sunday School Sunday School, VBS, confirmation and camping ministries.
Courageous giving is what the people of All Shepherds have done for more than 30 years. People have discovered in this community of faith the love of Jesus Christ, in deep relationships built in worshipping, learning, encouraging, serving, inviting and praying ministries, by not only giving courageously of themselves in so many ways but in benefitting from the courageous giving of others.
A 15% increase in giving across the congregation - or a net increase of $1,082 per week from all givers in the congregation, means All Shepherds will sustain ministry excellence and go a whole lot more. People in this community will be able to experience the good news of Jesus Christ because of you.