Invest in Families
Family matters! All Shepherds Lutheran Church not only cares about young children and our youth through the many ministries we provide, we care about the whole family. We invest in families of every generation and every makeup.
We courageously began small group ministries three years ago. Connecting families to each other through this new vital ministry nudged people in our community out of their comfort zone and encouraged them to develop deeper faith relationships. As our groups have grown, this ministry has proved integral and inspiring to families within our faith community.
“Small group ministry at All Shepherds has helped us develop close and long lasting friendships with others in our small group. The conversations and support that we find in small groups helps us tackle stressful situations in our day to day life.”
What inspiring words. Small group ministries deepened so many faith relationships for families of all generations.
Investing further in these relatively new family ministries, alongside high school youth ministry, vibrant confirmation ministries and energizing junior youth ministries, will enhance the mission of All Shepherds now and in the future.
One focus for the Courageous Giving 2020 Stewardship Appeal is to further develop these growing and exciting ministries by expanding staffing in our learning area. Investing in our families together and taking the courageous step to provide more financial resources for this area will make this focus a reality. Family matters to us at All Shepherds! At All Shepherds and we are ready to show it!
The goal for our Courageous Giving 2020 Stewardship Appeal is to increase gifts and offerings by $1,082 per week (about $56,250 over the year). Pray for a generous response and please prayerfully consider increasing your gift for the coming year. With your help, we can show family matters!