Kairos Prison Ministry: Cookies Wanted

For many years All Shepherds Lutheran Church has supported the Kairos prison ministry program. As for many other ministry programs during 2020, the Kairos ministry program has been essentially shut down. Just recently, however, the Warden at the North Central Correctional Complex (located in Marion, Ohio) has approved the delivery of gift bags to all of the 2,400 inmates at the institution. The gift bags - consisting of baked cookies and miscellaneous holiday gifts - represent a simple message that outside friends are keeping them in prayer during these difficult times. The rate of COVID-19 infections at correctional institutions is very high, as many of you know. As a sign of God's unconditional love to the incarcerated, we have the opportunity to send this love by baking cookies. I am asking that those who can, bake home-made chocolate chip cookies (only chocolate chip cookies) and put one dozen of these in a 1-gallon Ziploc bag. You can make as many cookies as you want to !! Just put one dozen in a Ziploc bag. The gift bags will contain other items. Kairos is asking for financial contributions to cover the expense of the gift bags. If you feel so inclined, you can write a check to "Kairos of Ohio". Please bring your cookies and/or financial donations to the church next week, January 10- 15, and place in the designated bins in the gathering space, or you can drop these off at the church during the evening of January 15.

Operation Support Our Troups

The Outreach Ministry is collecting the following items to send to Operation Support Our Troops, which creates comfort and care packages and ships them to troops serving in harm's way. These priority Items are currently low in stock and urgently needed:

  • Granola Bars

  • Fruit Snacks

  • Individual Cold Drink Mix (Gatorade, Propel, lemonade singles, etc.)

  • Microwave Popcorn

  • Pouched Chicken or Tuna

  • Shaving Gel or Cream (non-aerosol only)

  • Foot Powder

  • Pain Relief Medications (Tylenol and Advil)

  • Cough Drops

Bring your donated items to the collection table inside the front door through Sunday, January 31.

LSS Network of Hope

The Servant Shepherds are supporting two vital Lutheran Social Services agencies this Christmas season. In lieu of in-person service, we are collecting personal care items for LSS Choices and LSS Faith Mission from Dec 6 - Jan 3.

LSS Choices for Victims of Domestic Violence has been the sole resource for victims seeking shelter in Franklin County for more than four decades. Domestic violence is a terrible and increasingly pervasive problem that tears apart families and communities. Victims and their children who are living with an abuser need a safe place to go to break the cycle of violence and begin the healing process.

Faith Mission is one of the largest homeless shelters in Columbus, Ohio. Each year, Faith Mission provides more than 90,000 nights of shelter to men, women and veterans and serves three meals a day to anyone who is experiencing homelessness. No matter their situation, when a person arrives at Faith Mission, they are treated fairly, with dignity and without judgment.

You can help by bringing any of the following new, full-sized items to the table in the Gathering Space between Dec. 6 and Jan. 3:

  • shampoo

  • conditioner

  • body wash

  • lotion

  • toothpaste

  • toothbrush

  • deodorant

Kits containing these personal care items will be assembled and distributed to the two agencies where the need is greatest. Donations of disposable razors, shaving cream, combs, brushes and ethnic hair products are also welcome.

To learn more about these agencies and others within the LSS Network of Hope, visit https://lssnetworkofhope.org.

Hat, Scarf & Mitten Tree

We will begin our Christmas Outreach projects by placing our Hat, Mitten & Scarf Tree in the Gathering Space, in front of the window close to the Sanctuary doors.  These items will be delivered to the Delaware County Children's Services organization to be distributed to any children who needs to have warmer hands and ears in the winter weather.    Please be sure to bring your donations no later than November 29 so Children's Services can distribute them early in December.