ELCA Disaster Relief & Hunger Appeal


The needs of hungry people and disaster victims continue in these days of the COVID-19 health crisis, and now the hurricanes hitting the Gulf coast. 

Luther says, when we pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," we are praying that all people, not just ourselves, have what we and they need for a healthy, abundant life. And when we hear Jesus say "People do not live by bread alone," we are reminded of the next petition, "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." Both bread and forgiveness are spiritual needs, and physical needs. Without forgiveness, our life with others will bring difficult relationships.  And though we don't live by bread alone, people do need bread, and all it represents, to live.

Our Lenten "Hunger Appeal" was cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic, but now is a good time to re-energize our efforts to reach out to those in need. The recent devastation of Hurricane Laura has left many victims that can use the assistance of our ELCA Disaster Relief Fund. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit those with the least resources the hardest, and food pantries and other helping services are already stretched, not only in the USA but around the world. Our ELCA Hunger Appeal reaches out to help hungry people near and far. 

You can help by donating to either or both appeals. Put an additional check in the envelope along with your weekly offering, or send it to All Shepherds. Special offering baskets may also be available each week. We will use each Sunday until Oct. 4 to make this special effort, but anytime throughout the year the Spirit moves our hearts to reach out to help others is a good time to give. 

God bless you in your giving. As one Christian has said, "Bread for myself is a physical concern; bread for my neighbor in need is a spiritual concern."

Tools for Schools

Working with Children's Services in Delaware County, we are collecting the following items through August 30:

  • Crayons

  • Pencils

  • Scissors

  • Washable Markers

  • Dry Erase Markers

  • Glue and/or Glue Sticks

  • Spiral Notebooks

  • Backpacks

You can donate items by 1) dropping them off in marked bins at drive-in service on Sunday, 2) dropping them off at the church during the week or 3) emailing serving@allshepherds.org to arrange for a pickup of items from your house. Thank you for participating in our first Outreach project of the year.