“As for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me.”
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
Friends and family of Marty Crawford, as they mourn his passing.
Friends and family of, Bill Wakefield, as they mourn his passing.
Friends and family of Dan Hopkins, as they mourn his passing.
Friends and family of Dick Brown, as they mourn his passing.
Family and friends of Donna Kopp, as they mourn her passing.
Dana and Lisa Oldfield and family, as they mourn the passing of Lisa’s dad, Bill Clifton.
Family and friends of John Norris as they mourn his passing
Family and friends of Mike Frush as they mourn his passing.
Leaders in our congregation to serve as Communication Ministry Director and assistance for our current teams and ministries.
Kevin Gall, Air Force National Guard, deployed for 6 months, (son-in-law of Becky Fichtelman and husband and father of Christina Gall and their 2 sons).
Dianne Richey Weiser, lung cancer that has spread (sister of Jeff and Joan Weiser)
Erin, breast cancer (niece of Dana Flenner)
Ashleigh Fisher, stage 3 breast cancer (friend of Pastor Wendy)
Laurie Wirth hospice care for uterine cancer (Jerri Lindke’s daughter)
Sharon Larson, lung cancer (member at St. Mark’s)
Dennis Mitchell, brain tumor (friend of Pastors Craig & Wendy)
Karen Weber, breast cancer
Jeannie DeLaat, cancer
Pam Pritt, cancer