Drive In Worship Guidelines
What to expect when you arrive:
Please pull into the northwest side (soccer field side) of the parking lot when you arrive. Ushers, wearing vests and masks, will direct you to a spot to park your car. When the service begins, please turn off your car and tune into 94.1 FM on your radio station. Audio is only available on our church property. A worship bulletin will be available in our Food for Flock, our member’s FaceBook group and on our website in advance so that those who desire can print it ahead of time. If, for any reason, you need assistance, please turn on your headlights and an usher will come to you.
What to expect for worship:
It will be similar in style and length to the services that we’ve been posting online. Pastors, musicians and any worship assistants will wear masks when outside and not leading. Worship leaders will stand on 6 foot platforms located in front of the barn. We will have special music and we invite children to bring instruments from home for their own use.
What about Holy Communion?
Because we are in one space as a community, we will be able to celebrate communion. Please bring your own elements of bread and grape juice to be used and kept in your own cars since we will not be able to distribute communion. We will bless it along with the elements at the Altar and you can share this sacred meal in your individual cars.
What about Offering?
If you would like to give an offering, there will be a collection place on the way in before worship and on the way out after worship.
Bathrooms will be available inside the Church during the service. Please wear your face mask when you leave your car to enter the building.
Please show love for one another by:
Staying home if you aren’t feeling well
Staying in your car throughout the worship
Maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet from others not in your family group
Wearing a face mask if you must be outside of your car
Waiting until the service is finished before starting your car
As much as we want to get back into the worship space, our re-entry planning and implementation team needs more time to make sure the conditions are right inside and all precautionary advice has been implemented. We appreciate your patience as we try this interim approach and hope it provides some community and comfort in these times.